IMVU is an online virtual world that was created in 2004. It’s essentially social media/chatroom were the users take on the form of avatars. There is a little more to it that I’ll do my best to explain. Mostly importantly, my goal is to simply archive my experience over the years since I’m no longer an active participate in the community.
IMVU has gone through many changes over the years. SHIVU has a good history of what IMVU looked like in 2006. I joined originally in 2010, so there had already been extensive changes by then. At this point in time I check in maybe once or twice a year. So many things change every time I log back in. 14+ years is a long time and there is more history to my account than I even have access to now. However, I wanted to archive what I do have as it might not last much in it’s current form.
As I was typing this I realized I was talking in past tense quite a bit. IMVU is still active at this time and the majority of the things I mentioned still exist, it might just look or function a little differently. This is also just my experience with IMVU and what I can remember of my time there and the things I want to save. Check out the header for more information.